I think that to live a High Existence means to choose for yourself what to value and how to live. It means to question everything that has been handed down to you and to accept only those things that resonate with your particular being.
I think it means to follow your bliss, to do what makes you come alive. It means to not take life so seriously, to appreciate the details, to find joy and beauty each day.
I think it means to learn to see that there is an inevitable ebb and flow to one’s thoughts, feelings, and mental states, and to realize a place of deep acceptance of whatever one is experiencing, recognizing that “this too shall pass.”
I think it means to realize a state of being that is free (or as free as one can become) from attachments and expectations, able to take everything in stride, to take it easy, to breathe, and to simply love whatever is happening.
I think it is to perceive the sublimity and sacredness all around oneself, to feel a connection to the mystery of all things, and to experience soaring awe and wonder at the incomprehensibility of this world in which we find ourselves.